Stuðlið virðisløntu sendirøðini "Seks spurningar um at vera menniskja" so hon sleppur inn í allar stovur í Føroyum at geva børnum og foreldrum heilt nýtt slóðbrótandi sjónvarpstilfar á føroyskum.
... read more

In Progress

This project has been successfully funded and is now executing.

DKK 154,470

raised of DKK 150,000 goal


days to go

{{ errors.first('reward_amount', 'add-reward-form') }}
{{ errors.first('reward_title', 'add-reward-form') }}
{{ errors.first('reward_description', 'add-reward-form') }}
Rewards available: limited change
Rewards available: unlimited change

{{ errors.first('reward_stock', 'add-reward-form') }}
Custom questions: Yes None change
{{ question.text }}
{{ errors.first('reward_question_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-' + reward.reward_id) }}
Ask for address: Yes change
Ask for address: No change
Reward image: change
Additional costs: Yes None change
{{ addedCost.description[language] }} : {{ addedCost.amount }} DKK

{{ errors.first('reward_added_cost_amount', 'add-reward-form-added-costs') }}
{{ errors.first('reward_added_cost', 'add-reward-form-added-costs') }}

No rewards exist or campaign is not public. Log in to add or edit rewards.
Get this! All gone!

Pledge {{ reward.amount }} DKK

{{ reward.title }}

{{ reward.description }}

Limited ({{ stockLeft }} left of {{ reward.stock }} ) Gone (0 left of {{ reward.stock }} )
{{ reward.stock_reserved }} backer {{ reward.stock_reserved }} backers
{{ errors.first('reward_amount_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-' + reward.reward_id) }}
{{ errors.first('reward_title_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-' + reward.reward_id) }}
{{ errors.first('reward_description_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-' + reward.reward_id) }}
Rewards available: limited change
Rewards available: unlimited change
unlimited limited
Total in stock:
{{ errors.first('reward_stock_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-' + reward.reward_id) }}
Reward image: change
Ask for address: Yes change
Ask for address: No change
Ask for address
Custom questions: Yes None change
{{ question.text }}

{{ errors.first('reward_question_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-' + reward.reward_id) }}
Additional costs: Yes None change
{{ getAddedCostDescription(addedCost) }} : {{ addedCost.amount }} DKK
{{ errors.first('reward_added_cost_amount_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-added-costs-' + reward.reward_id) }}
{{ errors.first('reward_added_cost_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-added-costs-' + reward.reward_id) }}
{{ errors.first('reward_added_cost_amount_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-added-costs-' + reward.reward_id) }}
{{ errors.first('reward_added_cost_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-added-costs-' + reward.reward_id) }}

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Pledge without a reward


Urd Johannesen

  • Verkætlanarleiðari

Further Information

"Seks spurningar um at vera menniskja" er ein sendirøð í seks pørtum á 20 min hvør. Talan er um barnasjónvarp, ið setir sjóneykuna á teir stóru og torgreiddu spurningarnar í tilveruni á ein stuttligan og barnsligan hátt.

Allir seks partarnir eru liðugt filmaðir og kliptir, men okkum tørva fígging til týdningarmiklu eftirviðgerðina av sendirøðini, har teir seks partarnir vera endaliga ljóð- og litblandaðir, og har síðsta kryddið verður latið í.

Í sendingini eru tveir høvuðspersónar, Dánjal Kaggadingding Kaggadingding Kaggadum og Búi Sibbidibbidimdimdubadabadam. Afturat teimum er Mariann Hansen í leiklutinum sum Tebryggjarin.

Í 2019 vann royndarsendingin (piloturin) av sendirøðinini føroysku filmsvirðislønina Geytan, og í grundgevingini segði dómsnevndin m.a. soleiðis: "Vinnarafilmurin loysir til fulnar ta gátu, hann setir sær fyri at loysa. Tað eru spurningarnir um, hvaðar tíðin sum klokkan mátar, og hvaðar tey sum fara hiðani, fara. Og hvat hendir, tá tann, ið fer ikki hevur rætta kuffertið við sær. Tøknin, visuellu rúmini, dialogurin og leikararnir skapa eina so hugtakandi heild, at hóast eksistentielli filmurin er ætlaður børnum, er hann eins brúkiligur til vaksin".

Hvør eri eg? Ber til at liva í alla tíð? Ber tað til at fanga ljósið? eru nakrir av spurningunum, sum verða viðgjørdir í sendirøðini. Vit vilja skapa list, sum spyr og skapar undran. Hetta er afturvendandi høvðuðstráðurin í sendirøðini, har støði verður tikið í vísund, heimspeki og andaliga heiminum.

Vit hava í skjótt 20 ár framleitt barnatilfar til sjónleika- og tónleikapallin í Føroyum. Vit gleða okkum nú at geva føroyskum børnum sjónvarpstilfar á høgum støði.

Eftir ætlan verður sendirøðin sett á sjónvarpsskránna í februar 2022.

Við tínum stuðli kunnu vit koma á mál við sendirøðini og fáa hana inn í allar stovur í Føroyum til gleði fyri smá og stór.

In Progress

This project has been successfully funded and is now executing.

DKK 154,470

raised of DKK 150,000 goal


days to go

{{ errors.first('reward_amount', 'add-reward-form') }}
{{ errors.first('reward_title', 'add-reward-form') }}
{{ errors.first('reward_description', 'add-reward-form') }}
Rewards available: limited change
Rewards available: unlimited change

{{ errors.first('reward_stock', 'add-reward-form') }}
Custom questions: Yes None change
{{ question.text }}
{{ errors.first('reward_question_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-' + reward.reward_id) }}
Ask for address: Yes change
Ask for address: No change
Reward image: change
Additional costs: Yes None change
{{ addedCost.description[language] }} : {{ addedCost.amount }} DKK

{{ errors.first('reward_added_cost_amount', 'add-reward-form-added-costs') }}
{{ errors.first('reward_added_cost', 'add-reward-form-added-costs') }}

No rewards exist or campaign is not public. Log in to add or edit rewards.
Get this! All gone!

Pledge {{ reward.amount }} DKK

{{ reward.title }}

{{ reward.description }}

Limited ({{ stockLeft }} left of {{ reward.stock }} ) Gone (0 left of {{ reward.stock }} )
{{ reward.stock_reserved }} backer {{ reward.stock_reserved }} backers
{{ errors.first('reward_amount_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-' + reward.reward_id) }}
{{ errors.first('reward_title_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-' + reward.reward_id) }}
{{ errors.first('reward_description_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-' + reward.reward_id) }}
Rewards available: limited change
Rewards available: unlimited change
unlimited limited
Total in stock:
{{ errors.first('reward_stock_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-' + reward.reward_id) }}
Reward image: change
Ask for address: Yes change
Ask for address: No change
Ask for address
Custom questions: Yes None change
{{ question.text }}

{{ errors.first('reward_question_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-' + reward.reward_id) }}
Additional costs: Yes None change
{{ getAddedCostDescription(addedCost) }} : {{ addedCost.amount }} DKK
{{ errors.first('reward_added_cost_amount_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-added-costs-' + reward.reward_id) }}
{{ errors.first('reward_added_cost_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-added-costs-' + reward.reward_id) }}
{{ errors.first('reward_added_cost_amount_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-added-costs-' + reward.reward_id) }}
{{ errors.first('reward_added_cost_' + reward.reward_id, 'update-reward-form-added-costs-' + reward.reward_id) }}

Get this!

Pledge without a reward

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